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Understanding the Types of Nursing Home Abuse

 Posted on September 29, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Nursing Home Injury LawyerWhen it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of our elderly loved ones, many families often choose to entrust their care to nursing homes. These facilities are designed to provide around-the-clock care and support for those requiring assistance with daily activities due to age-related conditions or disabilities. However, while many nursing homes offer exceptional care, some residents experience abuse and neglect, which can have devastating physical, emotional, and psychological consequences.

Nursing home abuse can take various forms, each posing a significant threat to the residents' health and dignity. Families must be aware of these different types of abuse to protect their loved ones and take legal action when necessary. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected, immediately contact an Illinois nursing home abuse attorney.

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Do Workers’ Comp Insurance Companies Put Injured Workers Under Surveillance?

 Posted on September 22, 2023 in Workers' Compensation

Aurora Workplace Injury AttorneyIn the best-case scenario, a worker who suffers a job-related injury notifies their employer and files their workers’ compensation claim. The claim is then approved and the employee is  allowed to take the time needed to recover from their injury, receiving their weekly benefits and having their medical expenses covered 100 percent by their employer. Unfortunately, as an Illinois workers’ compensation lawyer can attest, this process rarely goes that smoothly. This is often due to the fact that employers and insurance companies do all they can to deny injured employees the benefits they are entitled to under Illinois law.

Denying Claims Based on Surveillance

Workers’ compensation insurance companies are notorious for denying legitimate job injury claims so they can protect their profits. They will do all they can to “prove” that the worker is not really injured. They often insist that an injured worker be examined by a doctor on their payroll who may downplay the actual diagnosis the injured worker has been given by their own physicians.

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Why Are Truck Accident Cases More Complex Than Other Accidents?

 Posted on September 14, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Truck Accident Injury LawyerPursuing a personal injury claim for a vehicle accident can be a long and drawn-out process. Rarely does the at-fault party’s insurance company initially agree to all the injured party’s losses and the financial amount of those losses. One of the most complex accident cases is truck accidents, especially since there is often more than one party who is liable for those damages.

There is also the issue of the amount of damages that the insurance company ends up paying out. The massive weight and size of commercial trucks results in many more catastrophic crashes, leaving those injured with devastating injuries. Insurance companies use all kinds of tactics to get out of paying for all those losses.

These and other factors can make it difficult for injured parties and their families to obtain the financial compensation they deserve without having an attorney advocating for them. Anyone who has been injured in a truck accident should speak with an Illinois personal injury attorney before they speak to the trucking company’s insurance company or anyone else associated with the crash.

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The Devastating Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents

 Posted on September 07, 2023 in Personal Injury

Kane County Personal Injury LawyersWhile many people may think of summer as the best season for motorcycle riding, motorcycle enthusiasts know that riding in autumn is just as – if not more – exhilarating. However, along with all that fun comes the substantial dangers and high risk of crashing that riding brings. The injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents are often catastrophic, leaving injured riders with long-term or permanent disabilities. If you or a loved one has sustained any of the following injuries in a crash, an Illinois motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the financial compensation you deserve.

Brain Injuries

Tragically, brain and head injuries are one of the most common injuries riders sustain in crashes. The force of the impact of the rider’s head smashing into the ground or other hard surfaces can leave them with serious brain damage. It is not uncommon for people who suffer brain injuries to suffer from memory loss, cognitive impairments, and mood swings.

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Is a Surgical Error Considered Medical Malpractice?

 Posted on August 30, 2023 in Medical Malpractice

Aurora Medical Negligence LawyerAbout 4,000 surgical mistakes happen every year in the U.S., many of which seriously injure patients. Such mistakes can include operating on the wrong patient or forgetting surgical instruments inside of a patient. Additionally, medical errors often lead to fatalities. If a surgical error results in personal injury, you have the right to seek compensation for medical malpractice.

What is Medical Malpractice and Negligence?

Medical malpractice happens when doctors, nurses, hospitals, and clinics cause injury to a patient because they were negligent.

Negligence in medicine means that a doctor or nurse, for example, did not give the proper care or attention they should have. Negligence is when a medical professional carelessness leads to a patient suffering harm.

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E-Commerce Purchases and Product Liability in Illinois

 Posted on August 17, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Personal Injury AttorneyOnline shopping has become an integral part of everyday life for most people. While it offers convenience, it also raises concerns about product quality and safety. Understanding your rights and legal options of product liability is crucial if you have experienced harm because of a defective product purchased online in Illinois.

Illinois Product Liability Laws in E-Commerce

Illinois product liability laws provide consumer protection for online purchases, just as they do for traditional brick-and-mortar retail transactions. Whether you buy a product in-store or online, if it caused injury or damage due to defects, you have legal recourse. You can feel reassured that your rights are protected across platforms.

Establishing Liability in E-Commerce Product Cases

Defective Product Categories

E-commerce purchases span various products, from electronics to clothing and more. Defects can arise from design flaws, manufacturing errors, or inadequate warnings.

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Watch for Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

 Posted on August 14, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Car Crash LawyerMost people know to seek prompt medical attention after a car accident, even if they do not think they have been badly hurt. Often, people who are experiencing little pain during their initial ER or urgent care visit get a clean bill of health. Then, a few days later, they begin experiencing severe pain in their head, neck, back, or abdomen. People who experience these delayed injuries, as they are called, may not initially link the pain they are experiencing to the car accident they had several days ago. However, it is very likely that any new pain or loss of mobility within a week or so of a car accident is related to the car accident. Some injuries are not readily apparent the day of the accident for a number of reasons. Harms like whiplash or even some head injuries may take several days to reveal themselves. If you start experiencing new symptoms days after your accident, it is important to return to the doctor for further evaluation. You should also contact an attorney as soon as you are able to. Cases involving delayed injury can be somewhat complex. 

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Understanding Delayed Diagnosis in Medical Malpractice

 Posted on August 05, 2023 in Medical Malpractice

Aurora Medical Malpractice Lawyer

When most people are starting to experience physical symptoms of a possible illness, their first step is to report these symptoms to their doctor. Many, many kinds of health conditions can cause different symptoms. The average person who does not have any medical training is unlikely to be able to diagnose themself. On the other hand, doctors should be generally aware of the possible causes of a wide variety of symptoms their patients may report. Reporting your symptoms to a doctor should cue that doctor to begin investigating to determine what could be causing those symptoms. At the very least, a doctor should order tests to rule out potentially serious causes like cancers and physical injuries that will not heal on their own. Unfortunately, some doctors are too quick to dismiss their patients’ symptoms. Suppose you were told that the symptoms you reported to your doctor were “probably nothing,” and it instead turned out to be something quite significant. In that case, you may have experienced a missed or delayed diagnosis. This can be a form of medical malpractice

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When Can Commercial Truck Accidents Be Caused by Mechanical Failures?

 Posted on August 01, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Personal Injury LawyerCommercial truck accidents can have devastating consequences, and they are likely to result in severe injuries and property damage for people in other vehicles involved in a collision. While there are various factors that can contribute to these accidents, mechanical failures are some of the most common reasons why truck drivers may lose control of their vehicles and collide with other cars and trucks. When the mechanical components of a commercial truck fail, devastating accidents can occur due to the massive size and weight of these vehicles.

Types of Mechanical Failures That Can Lead to Truck Accidents

Commercial trucks are complex vehicles with numerous components working together to ensure safe operation. However, due to the large weight of trucks and the amount of time they remain in operation on a constant basis, a great deal of stress is placed on these components. If a truck is not serviced regularly, and if parts are not repaired or replaced when necessary, vital components can break down and cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle.

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Is My Car Accident Case Really a Products Liability Case?

 Posted on July 24, 2023 in Personal Injury

Aurora Personal Injury LawyerBy far, the most common cause of car accidents is careless driving. In most cases, if you have been involved in an accident it is fair to guess that at least one party was careless in causing it. However, there are some car accidents that are caused not by human error, but by the failure of an auto product to work properly. Not even the best and most careful driver in the world could avoid a car accident after an essential component of their vehicle fails. In some cases it is relatively clear that an auto issue contributed to the crash. Issues like tire blowouts are often readily apparent to the naked eye. However, some auto issues are less readily apparent. You may be able to see that another driver flew through a red light before hitting you, but it may take further investigation to determine whether an issue like brake failure caused the accident. In some cases like these, the manufacturer, seller, or installer, of a defective auto part can be held liable. If you suspect that an auto product failure contributed to your accident, it is best to speak with an attorney who can guide any further investigation. 

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